Modulo Sync:

Modulo Sync is a file synchronization tool for Modulo Player.
Use this free application to transfer media in several servers at the same time, or to get a backup of your project (excluding media files).


For PC (Windows x32): Connect to the Customer Area > Modulo Player > Companion Apps section


  • Install the Modulo Sync application and launch it
  • Click on the Add server button, and type the media server IP address. You can add all media servers to the network
  • Then, click on Settings to point out media folder(s)
  • Once settings are configured, click on Start to start the transfer

NB: The logo will be replaced by the transfer analysis. While transfering files, the Start button will be replaced with a Stop button: Click on it to stop the transfer at anytime.
A Backup function is incorporated in the software to retrieve all the files of the Show” and backup folders of the added server(s).

Using filters:
You can filter media folders in order to send the appropriate file to the appropriate server:

  • On the left, click on the server from the list, and add nomenclature filter. In this case, server should be configured to use the same filter nomenclature. To assign a filter to a server, go to the Remote Application > General tab > Media ID
  • You can separate media filters with a semicolon

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