Select this device to control Barco RLM-series video projectors.


Property Default Description
Name Barco RLM User-friendly name.
Enable ON Toggle to enable/disable the device.
Run at startup ON Toggle to enable the device when Kinetic Designer is launched.
IP [empty] Set the IP address of your device. Your device and Kinetic Designer should be on the same subnet.
Port 43680 TCP/IP port used by the device.

Manual controls of the Barco RLM device in the Editor panel.Manual controls of the Barco RLM device in the Editor panel.

Task action

Action Description
Enable device Enable the device
Disable device Disable the device
Power On Send Barco power on command
Power Off Send Barco power off command
Lamp Mode Select the lamp mode from the list
Channel Select channel number
Shutter On Send Barco shutter on command
Shutter Off Send Barco shutter off command
Mute On Send Barco mute on command
Mute Off Send Barco mute off command
Test Pattern Select a test pattern from the list
OSD On Send Barco OSD on command
OSD Off Send Barco OSD off command
Projection Front Select projection front mode
Projection Rear Select projection rear mode
Projection Floor Select projection floor mode
Projection Ceiling Select projection ceiling mode
SetLampPower Set lamp power value
LoadLensMemory Recall lens memory value
SaveLensMemory Save lens memory value
SetLampscCount Set lamps count value
Focus increase Increase focus value
Focus decrease Decrease focus value
Zoom increase Increase zoom value
Zoom decrease Decrease zoom value
Horizontal Shift increase Increase horizontal shift value
Horizontal Shift decrease Decrease horizontal shift value
Vertical Shift increase Increase vertical shift value
Vertical Shift decrease Decrease vertical shift value

Task Trigger

This device has no actions that can trigger a Task.

Digimap Trigger

This device cannot be used as a Digimap trigger.


This device has no properties that can be read or written from a Graph.

User Interface

When drag & dropped into a UI Panel the following commands are available:

Manual controls of the Barco RLM device in a UI panel.Manual controls of the Barco RLM device in a UI panel.

Device Information

Check Barco’s website for more information on their video projectors.

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Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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