
This node applies a Kalman Filter to the value on its input.

Kalman FIltering:, also known as linear quadratic estimation (LQE) is an algorithm that produces estimates using a series of measurements over time effectively filtering noise or smoothing a jittery signal input.

Because this algorithm produces estimates it relies on iterations of prediction-measurement cycles.


  • Process noise : Affects the weight of predictions in the algorithm. Lower values (<0.1) will give smoother signals but less accurate predictions. Prefer values between 0 and 0.1.
    Default : 0.01
  • Measurement noise : Affects the weight of measures in the algorithm. Higher values (>10) will give smoother signals but less accurate values.
    Default : 5.0
  • Error cov. post : Affects uncertainty in the initialisation of the algorithm. If your starting position is accurate, prefer lower values. If not, prefer higher values.
    Default : 0.1
  • Delay : Useful when compensating for projector input lag. Leave at 0 otherwise. Unit : seconds
    Default : 0.0
  • Force Evaluate : When toggled ON, will evaluate a prediction even if the input does not change.
    Default : OFF
  • Interpolation : (Only visible when Force Evaluate is OFF) Adds an interpolation to the values based on the algorithm. Unit : milliseconds
    Default : 0

Predictions / Measures noise

Process noise and Measurement noise are complimentary properties. One should be rather low while the other is rather high :

  • If Process noise is low : we trust the predictions to be accurate, Measurement noise can be higher to reduce noise in our measures.
    In this case the output will be smoother but may have a higher latency (delay).
  • If Measurement noise is low : we trust our measures to be accurate, Process noise can be higher to reduce noise in the predictions.
    In this case the output will have a lower latency but may be noisier (jerk).


Name Type Description
Float Float Value to filter


Name Type Description
Float Float Filtered value


The filter is using default values on all its properties.

Flattening noise

Smoothing a signal

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