Now let’s add some content to the Timeline.

1 00:00:00:00 Pause Pattern Main screen
2 00:00:08:00 Pause None (Black screen) Main screen
3a 00:00:12:00 Pause Blue loop Loop Main screen
3b 00:00:17:00 Pause Blue loop + Modulo Logo Loop Main screen
4a 00:00:20:00 Pause Jingle 1 Once Main screen
4b 00:00:34:04 Following Jingle 1 Loop Loop Main screen
5a 00:00:40:00 Pause Jingle 2 Once Main screen
5b 00:01:13:18 Following Jingle loop 2 Loop Main screen
6a 00:01:20:00 Pause Jingle 3 Once Main screen
6b 00:01:41:21 Following Jingle loop 3 Loop Main screen
  • From the Media list, drag & drop the three patterns we created into the Timeline. Position them as such :
  • Layer pattern VP1+VP2 x=0.
  • Layer pattern VP3 x=3456.
  • Layer pattern Speaker screen x= 5376.

  • Add a 2 second fade in and fade out on these three layers.
    If you have a Kinetic Designer version prior to v4, you can switch off the color applied to your Render Surface to improve visibility.
  • Press the Play button (or Spacebar) to view the animation of opacity (fade in/out).

Leave a few seconds blank between these layers and the next one.

  • Add the media Blue loop and check the Loop and Freerun options in the Editor panel.
  • 5 seconds into the Blue loop add the Modulo logo, scale it down to 20% and adjust it’s position.
  • Add a 2 seconds fade-in/out to both the loop and the logo. (Keyboard shortcut : ALT + F)

  • Then add the Jingle 1 with its sound and a fade-in of 2 seconds on both.
  • Trim the sound to end at the same time as the Jingle.
  • Right after the Jingle 1 add the media Jingle1_Loop without any fade.
  • Check the Loop and Freerun case in the Editor panel.

  • Repeat these steps with the two other Jingles and Jingle loops.
  • Don’t forget to add the soundtracks with each Jingle as well.

Now we need to add some pause commands in order to get ready to launch a video :

  • At the bottom of the timeline click on the button to add a Command layer
  • To place a Pause command, select the Command layer and in the Editor panel click on the Pause button.
  • Place some Pause commands at the beginning of each jingle. You can also cue the Logo and Blue loop this way.

We now have a pretty tidy first Timeline. It can still be improved, for instance, by making the jingle soundtracks last a little longer and adding a fade out to them.

Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

Thanks for your feedback.