
This node converts the alpha channel of the input image into gray scale levels. This is useful if you need an image using solid colors (as in without alpha) to use as a map for the alpha channels of a media.


  • Invert : Varies the channel conversion.
    Default : OFF

In Normal (Invert mode 255 alpha outputs full white (255/255/255) and 0 alpha outputs full black (0/0/0).
In Inverted mode 255 alpha outputs full black (0/0/0) and 0 alpha outputs full white (255/255/255).
All values in between are converted linearly to grayscale.
The Invert input accepts values between 0 and 1 and interpolates the result accordingly. An Invert value of 0.5 results in a full grey image (cf. example below).


Name Type Description
Image Image Image input to use for the effect
Invert Float Input to toggle the invert


Name Type Description
Image Image Image output of the effect


In this example the radial gradient has a solid full alpha color in the center (0/153/255/255) and fades into a 0-alpha color on its outer border (0/153/255/0).

We can see the Alpha to Gray node converting the alpha channel into a gradient of grayscale.

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