When the animation option is enabled, you can animate some properties of the layer with keyframes.

• You can animate specific properties: position, scale, rotation, opacity, B/C/S
• Activate the stopwatch for each property you want to animate
NB: Once activated, a key will appear.
• A new keyframe will appear for any modification you perform in each specific property throughout the timelines. You can jump from one key to another using the arrows and create one manually by clicking the Keyframe icon between arrows.
• You can select a key (key will turn blue) and you can configure acceleration and deceleration on approach. When you have specified the acceleration, you can see a line in linked to your key. Conversely for a deceleration, you can see a line out linked to your key.

When activated, you can only modify the parameter in the timeline.
For color animation (B/C/S), you need to activate the color parameter found in the Advanced tab.

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