Choose this device to connect to a L_Acoustics L-ISA controller
Name: User-friendly name
Input Enable: Check this to enable feedback from L-ISA controller
Input Port: Input port for the feedback from L-ISA controller
Output Enable: Check this to enable the sending information to L-ISA controller
Output Port: Output port for the feedback from L-ISA controller
skip mode: Send only information to L-ISA controller only every x skip.
Task action:
- Set Source: choose the source id, and enable the parameters you want to set and the value (pan/width/distance/elevation/aux send)
- Set Group: choose the group id, and enable the parameters you want to set and the value (pan/width/distance/elevation/aux send)
- Fire snapshot: recall a snapshot
- Fire previous snapshot: recall the previous snapshot
- Fire next snapshot: recall the next snapshot
- Refire curent snapshot: resend the last sended snapshot
- Save as a new snapshot: save the current settings as a new snapshot
- Load reverb preset: load the reverb preset by id
- Unload reverb preset: deactivate the reverb preset by id
- Set master level: choose the master level
- Solo source: activate the solo mode on a source id
- Unsolo source: deactivate the solo mode on a source id
- Source pan: set the pan for on a source id
- Source pan spread: set the pan spread on a source id
- Source width: set the width on a source id
- Source distance: set the distance on a source id
- Source elevation: set the evalation on a source id
- Source aux send: set aux send on a source id
- Source relative pan: set the relative pan for on a source id
- Source relative pan spread: set the relative pan spread on a source id
- Source relative width: set the relative width on a source id
- Source relative distance: set the relative distance on a source id
- Source relative elevation: set the relative evalation on a source id
- Source relative aux send: set aux relative send on a source id
- Group pan: set the pan for on a group id
- Group pan spread: set the pan spread on a group id
- Group width: set the width on a group id
- Group distance: set the distance on a group id
- Group elevation: set the evalation on a group id
- Group aux send: set aux send on a group id
- Group relative pan: set the relative pan for on a group id
- Group relative pan spread: set the relative pan spread on a group id
- Group relative width: set the relative width on a group id
- Group relative distance: set the relative distance on a group id
- Group relative elevation: set the relative evalation on a group id
- Group relative aux send: set aux relative send on a group id
- Source pan flag: set/unset the pan flag for on a source id
- Source width flag: set/unset the width flag on a source id
- Source distance flag: set/unset the distance flag on a source id
- Source elevation flag: set/unset the evalation flag on a source id
- Source aux send flag: set/unset aux send flag on a source id
Task trigger:
Digimap trigger:
User interface:
Device information:
Go to this page for more information.
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