You can create any number of sources.
Click on the + button to add new source in your project.
Click on the button to delete a source.
Click on this button to visualize live thumbnail stream.
You can directly freeze/unfreeze a source in the list.
You can duplicate a source with a right click on a source in the list.
Click on a source to edit the settings in the editor:
Name: Enter the name of your source
Width: indicate the width of your source after crop (original value between parenthesis)
Height: indicate the height of your source after crop (original value between parenthesis)
Input: Choose the kind of input: None, Live or Background.
When you choose Live, a combobox allows you to select the input declared in the media list (Live media only: Deltacast/NDI).
When you choose Background, you can then use the crop feature with “extract” mode to use a non visible part of the pixel workspace to playback media. you can use this part of the pixel workspace as a kind of source.0
Freeze: Freeze/unfreeze the source.
Test Pattern: You can add an overlay top pattern on top of your source.
You can Enable/Disable this property clicking on the checkbox.
Brightness/Contrast/Saturation values are in percent mode. 100% means a neutral value.
Color level:
You can Enable/Disable this property clicking on the checkbox.
The color level allows you to adjust RGB level for global RGB and channel by channel.
You can Enable/Disable this property clicking on the checkbox.
Choose the Mask/Key Type:
Alpha: use a live source as mask in Alpha mode. If the mask source has a pixel transparent, your resulting source pixel will be transparent, If the mask source has a pixel with full alpha, the resulting source pixel is unchanged.
Inv Alpha: use a live source as mask in inverted Alpha mode. If the mask source has a pixel transparent, your resulting source pixel will be unchanged, If the mask source has a pixel with full alpha, the resulting source pixel is transparent.
Grey: use a live source as mask in grey mode. If the mask source has a pixel black, your resulting source pixel will be transparent, If the mask source has a pixel with full white, the resulting source pixel is unchanged.
Inv Grey: use a live source as mask in inverted grey mode. If the mask source has a pixel full white, your resulting source pixel will be unchanged, If the mask source has a pixel with black, the resulting source pixel is transparent.
Lumakey: use the lumakey settings to do a real time lumakey filtering on your source.
Luminance: choose the luminance value to discard.
Tolerance: allow a more larger luminance value to discard.
Smooth: smooth the border to avoid a hard edge
Chromakey: use the Chromakey settings to do a real time chromakey filtering on your source.
Chrominance: choose the chrominance value to discard.
Chrominance Tolerance: allow a more larger chrominance value to discard.
Saturation Tolerance: allow a more larger saturation value to discard.
Value Tolerance: allow a more larger value to discard.
Smooth: smooth the border to avoid a hard edge
You can Enable/Disable this property clicking on the checkbox.
You have two way to crop an image, the common way when you don’t enable Extract mode:
The extract mode that allows you to enter the extract view in Left-Top/Size coordinate. It’s usefull when you want to use a part of the background as a source.
You can Enable/Disable this property clicking on the checkbox.
You can adjust the lenght of the softedge and the gamma value per border.
Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.