
Return the list of timelines with properties

Property Description
name the name of the timeline
objectType type of object, here “timeline”
uiColor color of the timeline
uuid unique uuid to control the timeline
timecode current timecode of the timeline
on bool to indicate if the timeline is in state on
play bool to indicate if the timeline is in state play
grandMasterFader current value of the grand master fader of this timeline
lockToTc bool to indicate if the timeline is locked to a timecode device
audioMaster current value of the audio master of this timeline




Return the properties of one timeline.
You can use one of the following parameters:

Param B1
uuid unique uuid to control the timeline
name name of the timeline. if several timeline with same name, it will return the first one
Property Description
name the name of the timeline
objectType type of object, here “timeline”
uiColor color of the timeline
uuid unique uuid to control the timeline
timecode current timecode of the timeline
on bool to indicate if the timeline is in state on
play bool to indicate if the timeline is in state play
grandMasterFader current value of the grand master fader of this timeline
lockToTc bool to indicate if the timeline is locked to a timecode device
audioMaster current value of the audio master of this timeline


{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"get.object.timeline", "params": {"uuid": "{b9ff8f5b-5a15-4422-9e25-b8eeed9f8f9a}"}}

Use this command to set a task property.

It is possible to set these properties:

Property Description
name the name of the task
on bool to indicate if the timeline is in state on
lockToTc bool to indicate if the timeline is locked to a timecode device
uiColor color of the task


{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"", "params":{"uuid":"{b9ff8f5b-5a15-4422-9e25-b8eeed9f8f9a}","property":"on","value":true}}


Use this command to do an action on a timeline.

You can use the following actions:

action Description Parametrer
play set the timeline in play state at the current timecode
play set the timeline in play state at a new timecode timecode (in ms)
locate set the timeline in pause state at the current timecode
locate set the timeline in pause state at a new timecode timecode (in ms)
grandMasterFader set the value of the grand master fader with a fade time value(%) timecode (in ms)
audioMaster set the value of the audio fader with a fade time value(%) timecode (in ms)


 {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"doaction.timeline", "params":{"uuid":"{b9ff8f5b-5a15-4422-9e25-b8eeed9f8f9a}","action":"play","timecode":60000}}

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