We want we can control all the Stereo group that comes out from the V-Node.
We create 3 tasks :

TASK Level ST 10%

  • Timeline Audio 10% in 3s

TASK Level ST 50%

  • Timeline Audio 50% in 3s

TASK Level ST 80%

  • Timeline Audio 80% in 3s

Now we will add tasks to control exclusively the audio level of the timeline Music.

TASK Level Music 10%

  • Timeline Audio 10% in 3s

TASK Level Music 50%

  • Timeline Audio 50% in 3s

TASK Level Music 80%

  • Timeline Audio 80% in 3s

We put these tasks intro a group named “Audio”.

Manually launch all the task is not things easy, so we will see how to display the tasks in a friendly User Interface.
Let’s tidy the tasks by adding it in a folder named SYSTEM.

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