Use the cue copy/paste function to copy Cue 2 of Playlist 2 into Cue 2 of Playlist 3

Replace the media on Cue 2 of Playlist 3 by SPEAKER 1

Activate the Color option in the Advanced tab and apply different colorimetric settings for these two layers.

Drop shadow

Add a Cue 3 and add a media on the cue.

Resize the media to make it smaller and position it on the left portion of the Background (Stage Right).

In the Advanced tab activate the Drop Shadow.

Enter the settings to personalize your drop shadow.

In the Transition tab, set the Transition In value to Last State.

Transition to next cue

Use the cue special paste to copy Cue 3 into Cue 4 with the following properties: Fade In/out, Media, Position, Scale, In transition and Drop Shadow.

Move the position of the media to the right portion of the Background (Stage Left).

Notice how the transition effect applies when calling Cue 4 from Cue 3


In the SHOW playlist, on the GET IN cue, select the first layer and open the FX tab.

Add a Hue Rotate effect and tweak the settings to your liking.

Add a Dot Screen effect and tweak the settings to your liking.

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