Name: User-friendly name
Serial Number: Enter the serial number of the VINT HUB Phidget
Port: Choose the port
interval ms: Choose the refresh interval in milliseconds
Task action:
*Set value:” Set the value of the encoder
*Reset:” Reset to zero the value of the encoder
Task trigger:
You can trigger a task when you press the internal button of the dial.
Select “Button ON” if you want to trigger the task on press, or select “Button OFF” if you want to trigger the task on release.
Digimap trigger:
You will receive the encoder dial position as input.
User interface:
You can add this device in any user panel.
You can then choose the available features in the panel.
Device information:
Go to this page for more information.
You need to plug this device to a VINT HUB Phidget.
Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.