Select this device to control Epson video projectors.

Compatible mode activated in the Command Communication setting of an Epson projector's menu.


Property Default Description
Name Epson VP User-friendly name.
IP [empty] Set the IP address of your device. Your device and Modulo Player should be on the same subnet.
Port 3629 TCP/IP port used by the device.

Task action

Command available:

Power On/Off
Shutter On/Off
Channel (value)
Freeze On/Off
Freeze PIP On/Off
Internal test Pattern (list)
Focus (value)
Zoom (value)
Horizontal Shift (value)
Vertical Shift (value)
Lamp Intensity (value)
Lamp Mode (list)
Lamp Power (value)
OSD (list)

Task trigger


Digimap trigger


User interface

You can add this device in any user panel. You can then choose the available features in the panel.

Device information

Check Epson’s website for more information on their video projectors.

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Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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