



Returns the complete list of playlists with the following properties:

Property Description
audioMaster Current value of the audio master of the playlist. Note this value is between 0 and 1 and not between 0 and 100
freerunMode Indicates if the Playlist is in freerun mode
grandMasterFader Current value of the grand master fader of the playlist. Note this value is between 0 and 1 and not between 0 and 100
index Index of the current Cue in the Playlist. Index and Cue numbers match
name Name of the playlist
objectType For this method, this field contains playlist
timecode Current timecode of the playlist
timecodeDriver More information soon.
timecodeLocked More information soon.
timecodeMasterSlave More information soon.
timecodeOffset More information soon.
uiColor Color assigned to the playlist
uuid uuid of the playlist



{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"get.object.playlist", "params": {"uuid": "{b9ff8f5b-5a15-4422-9e25-b8eeed9f8f9a}"}}


Parameter Description
uuid uuid of the playlist
name Name of the playlist


Returns the following properties of target playlist.

Property Description
audioMaster Current value of the audio master of the playlist. Note this value is between 0 and 1 and not between 0 and 100
freerunMode Indicates if the Playlist is in freerun mode
grandMasterFader Current value of the grand master fader of the playlist. Note this value is between 0 and 1 and not between 0 and 100
index Index of the current Cue in the Playlist. Index and Cue numbers match
name Name of the playlist
objectType For this method, this field contains playlist
timecode Current timecode of the playlist
timecodeDriver More information soon.
timecodeLocked More information soon.
timecodeMasterSlave More information soon.
timecodeOffset More information soon.
uiColor Color assigned to the playlist
uuid uuid of the playlist


{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"", "params":{"uuid":"{b9ff8f5b-5a15-4422-9e25-b8eeed9f8f9a}","property":"on","value":true}}


Use this command to modify one target property on a playlist.

It is possible to target the following properties:

Property Description
name Name of the playlist
uiColor color of the playlist


The "result" property in the JSON response will contain a boolean : true if the instruction was executed correctly or false otherwise.More information soon.



 {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"doaction.playlist", "params":{"uuid":"{b9ff8f5b-5a15-4422-9e25-b8eeed9f8f9a}","action":"goto","cue":3}}


Use this command to do an action on a target playlist.

You can use the following actions:

Action Description Value
prev Launch the previous cue -
next Launch the next cue -
goto Launch the cue with index ## "cue":##
preload Preload the cue with index ## (first cue is index 1) "cue":##
play Set the playlist in play at the current cue/timecode (Currently not working) -
locate Set the playlist in pause state at the current timecode (Currently not working) -
grandMasterFader Set the value (in %) of the grand master fader with a fade time (in ms) "value":##, "duration":##
audioMaster Set the value (in %) of the audio fader with a fade time (in ms) "value":##, "duration":##


If the "action" parameter is valid, the JSON will return "result": true.

If tthe "action" parameter is invalid, or specified name or uuid is invalid, the JSON will return a message with "Invalid params".

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