Modulo Player Remote is organized in tabs which you can access from the top of the interface. They are ordered in such a way to be browsed and configured one after the other throughout the usual workflow for setting up a project.

You can find more details for each tab in its dedicated manual page.

The Control tab is where you can control the Modulo Player server and configure its settings.

Open the Control tab and click on the Settings button.

Configuring the Display Mode for Modulo Player

This setting can be found in the General subtab in the Settings panel.

Demo mode on a laptop

If you are going to use your laptop in demo mode, it will be running both the Modulo Player Remote and the Modulo Player Lite, which will simulate the server-side application.

For Modulo Player Lite to launch on the pico projector, set the Display Mode to Fullscreen second screen.

In the same tab, create a new project folder called Start Project.

With a Modulo Player server

Here is an overview of the subtabs in the Settings panel.

Set the Display Mode to Fullscreen primary screen.

In the same tab, create a new project folder called Start Project.

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