Chamsys fixture

Here is the fixture for Chamsys light desk: Download fixture

The “Minimal” mode can be patched in this folder: ModuloPi > ModuloPlayer > Minimal (3).
This file is common to the “Basic” and “Extended” modes.

The “Basic” and “Extended” modes can be patched in this folder: Media server > ModuloPi Player > “Basic mode” or “Extended mode”.
Patching these two modes from the “media server” folder allows the automatic creation of the 10 layers in the console’s patch.

- The Intensity window (INT) allows adjustment of the “*Playlist *Opacity”.

- The BEAM window, Encoder “A”, allows choosing the cue number of the “Launch cue”.
For example: SHIFT + Encoder “A” to progress cue by cue (1>2>3>4 …. 65535), or Encoderr “A” to increment by 255 cues (256> 512>768 …. 65535).

- A palette of 50 cues has been created for direct access.

- The LOCATE function sets Opacity to 100%.

Compared to the Minimal mode, the Basic mode adds some “Opacity layer” parameters: “Red”, “Green” and “Blue” for the 10 layers of a cue.

During the patch, this mode is seen as 2 groups: one group includes the parameters of the “Minimal” mode, and another group includes the layers’ parameters.

CAUTION: When selecting the layers’ parameters group, then the 10 layers will be changed simultaneously.
In order to modify each layer independently, go to the “View heads” sub-group to select the layer(s) of your choice.

- The Intensity window (INT) allows adjustment of the “*Layer *Opacity” of layers 1 to 10 (In this mode and this window, you will find the parameter “Playlist Opacity”).

In the group of layers:
- Colour window:
> Encoder “A” allows adjusting the Red
> Encoder “B” allows adjusting the Green
> Encoder “C” allows adjusting the Blue

- The LOCATE function sets:
> Opacity to 100%
> RGB colour to 100%

This mode includes the parameters of the “Basic mode” and adds the parameters “Position X”, “Position Y”, “Scale X”, “Scale Y” and “Rotation” for each of the 10 layers.
All these parameters are set in 16 bits.
You can use SHIFT + Encoder for fine-tuning.

In this group:
- The BEAM window Encoder “A” allows adjustment of the rotation

- The POSITION window:
> Encoder “A” allows adjusting the X scale
> Encoder “B” allows adjusting the Y scale
> Encoder “X” allows adjusting the X position
> Encoder “Y” allows adjusting the Y position

- The LOCATE function sets:
> Opacity to 100%
> RGB colour to 100%
> XY position to 0 (centered)
> XY scale to 100%
> Rotation to 0°

CREDIT: Thank you to Frédéric SABY for this fixture.

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