You can add effects to a media.
• Click on the to open the effects list.

• Select the effect you want, and click on OK
• Modify its parameters and toggle the activation with the blind icon
• To completely delete an effect, select it and click on the trash button

Interactive Shader Format

You can add Interactive Shader Format effects to a media.
Use ISF to apply a GLSL effect on a media.

To do so you need to load the Shader in the Show folder beforehand:
Shaders location is in the ISF sub-folder in the root project folder.
By default this folder is empty.

A free library of ISF is available on this website.

On the Fx tab:
• Click on the to open the effects list
• Select ISF
• Select shader from the list, then click OK
• You can modify its parameters and toggle visibility
• You can combine ISF with other Fx. However, the result can be different depending on the Fx order.
• To completely delete an effect, select it and click on the

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