The following methods are available on tasks :



{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"get.list.tasks","id": 1}

Indented display

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get.list.tasks",
  "id": 1

Optional “level” parameter

{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"get.list.tasks","params":{"level":"task"}, "id": 1}

This will return the full list of tasks with varying degree of details.

Indented display

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get.list.tasks",
  "params": {
    "level": "task"
  "id": 1


This level parameter is optional but can be used to retrieve more exhaustive information from the tasks

Parameter Description
"level":"task" This will only list the task and not their subtasks. This level returns the same as if no level was specified
"level":"subtask" This level will nest an additional JSON Array Litteral inside each task containing a JSON Object Litteral for each subtask in the task


Level : task

Note that omitting the level parameter will default to this level.

The JSON Object Litterals for the tasks will have the following properties:

Property Description
keyword Keyword to filter a task
name Name of the task
objectType For this method, this field contains task
taskEnable If the task is enabled/disabled
triggerDeviceUuid uuid of the device set as a trigger, if present
triggerEnable If it is possible to trigger the task
triggerParam1-6 6 fields of parameters present for the trigger device
triggered Indicate if this task was recently launched. true if the task was launched less than 2 seconds ago, false otherwise
uiColor Color assigned to the task
uuid uuid of the task


"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": [
   -- TASK #1 information --
   -- TASK #2 information --
   [etc.]  ← Lists all tasks on the server

Level : subtask

Returns the complete list of tasks and will nest an additional JSON Array Litteral inside each task containing a JSON Object Litteral for each subtask in the task.

The JSON Object Litterals for the cues will have the following properties:

Property Description
action Action run by the subtask on the target device
color Color set on the subtask
objectType For this method, this field contains subtask
param1 Subtask parameter #1 (varies depending on the subtask)
param2 Subtask parameter #1 (varies depending on the subtask)
param3 Subtask parameter #1 (varies depending on the subtask)
taskOjbectUuid uuid of the device that is targeted by the subtask
uuid uuid of the subtask
wait Wait time before the subtask should be launched (in ms)


  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
      "keyword": "",
      "name": "",
      "objectType": "task",
      "subtasks": [
         -- SUBTASK #1 information --
         -- SUBTASK #2 information --
        [...]  ← Lists all subtasks in the task
      "taskEnable": true,
      -- Rest of TASK information --



{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"get.object.task", "params": {"uuid": "{45c8566e-435d-4abb-ad3a-2800cb1ce1c5}"}, "id": 1}

Indented display

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get.object.task",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "{45c8566e-435d-4abb-ad3a-2800cb1ce1c5}"
  "id": 1

Optional “level” parameter

{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"get.object.task", "params": {"uuid": "{45c8566e-435d-4abb-ad3a-2800cb1ce1c5}", "level":"subtask"}, "id": 1}

Indented display

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "get.object.task",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "{45c8566e-435d-4abb-ad3a-2800cb1ce1c5}",
    "level": "subtask"
  "id": 1


Parameter Description
uuid uuid of the task
name Name of the task

This level parameter is optional but can be used to retrieve more exhaustive information from the tasks

Parameter Description
"level":"task" This will only list the task and not their subtasks. This level returns the same as if no level was specified
"level":"subtask" This level will nest an additional JSON Array Litteral inside each task containing a JSON Object Litteral for each subtask in the task

The “level” parameter functions in the same way as for the get.list.tasks method. Refer to the documentation above for more details.


If “level” is set to “task”, returns the following properties of the target task.

Property Description
keyword Keyword to filter a task
name Name of the task
objectType For this method, this field contains task
taskEnable If the task is enabled/disabled
triggerDeviceUuid uuid of the device set as a trigger, if present
triggerEnable If it is possible to trigger the task
triggerParam1-6 6 fields of parameters present for the trigger device
triggered Indicate if this task was recently launched. true if the task was launched less than 2 seconds ago, false otherwise
uiColor Color assigned to the task
uuid uuid of the task

If “level” is set to “subtask”, returns the following additional JSON Object Litteral with the following properties for every subtask in the target task:

Property Description
action Action run by the subtask on the target device
color Color set on the subtask
objectType For this method, this field contains subtask
param1 Subtask parameter #1 (varies depending on the subtask)
param2 Subtask parameter #1 (varies depending on the subtask)
param3 Subtask parameter #1 (varies depending on the subtask)
taskOjbectUuid uuid of the device that is targeted by the subtask
uuid uuid of the subtask
wait Wait time before the subtask should be launched (in ms)


{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"", "params":{"uuid":"{45c8566e-435d-4abb-ad3a-2800cb1ce1c5}","property":"taskEnable","value":true}, "id": 1}

Indented display

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "{45c8566e-435d-4abb-ad3a-2800cb1ce1c5}",
    "property": "taskEnable",
    "value": true
  "id": 1


Use this command to modify one target property on a task.

It is possible to target the following properties:

Property Type Description
keyword String Keyword to filter a task
name String Name of the task
taskEnable Boolean Set to true to enable the task or false to disable the task
triggerEnable Boolean Set to true to enable the trigger of the task or false to disable the trigger
uiColor String RGB hexadecimal value for the color of the task. Must be prefixed with the # character


The "result" property in the JSON response will contain a boolean : true if the instruction was executed correctly or false otherwise.



{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"doaction.task", "params":{"uuid":"{45c8566e-435d-4abb-ad3a-2800cb1ce1c5}","action":"launch"}, "id": 1}

Indented display

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "doaction.task",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "{45c8566e-435d-4abb-ad3a-2800cb1ce1c5}",
    "action": "launch"
  "id": 1


Use this command to do an action on a target task.

Currently only the launch action can be sent to trigger the launch of task.


If the "action" parameter is valid, the JSON will return "result": true.

If tthe "action" parameter is invalid, or specified name or uuid is invalid, the JSON will return a message with "Invalid params".



{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"delete.alltasks", "id": 1}

Indented display

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "delete.alltasks",
  "id": 1


The "result" property in the JSON response will contain a boolean : true if the instruction was executed correctly or false otherwise.



{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"delete.task", "params":{"uuid":"{45c8566e-435d-4abb-ad3a-2800cb1ce1c5}"}, "id": 1}

Indented display

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "delete.task",
  "params": {
    "uuid": "{45c8566e-435d-4abb-ad3a-2800cb1ce1c5}"
  "id": 1


Parameter Description
uuid uuid of the task
name Name of the task


The "result" property in the JSON response will contain true if the instruction was executed correctly.

If the payload is not properly formatted, the server will respond by sending back the payload.



{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"add.task", "params":{"aftertaskuuid":"{45c8566e-435d-4abb-ad3a-2800cb1ce1c5}"}, "id": 1}

Indented display

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "add.task",
  "params": {
    "aftertaskuuid": "{45c8566e-435d-4abb-ad3a-2800cb1ce1c5}"
  "id": 1


Parameter Description Information
aftertaskuuid uuid of the task after which the new task will be created Target the task either by name or by uuid.
aftertaskname Name of the task after which the new task will be created If several tasks have the same name, the first one will be targeted.
data JSON Object Litteral containing the data of the task to create

The "data" parameter contains a JSON Object Litteral with the properties you would like to give to your new Task.

Refer to the construction described in the above methods to create the "data" JSON Object Litteral.

Empty Object

Specifying the properties is optional and if an empty object is given, e.g. "data":{} a task will be created with default properties.


Do not specify any "uuid" properties in the JSON Object Litteral, the server will create them automatically.

Level of detail

The "data" Object can be constructed with the same level of details as presented by the subtask level of the get.list.tasks method.


The "result" property in the JSON response will contain true if the instruction was executed correctly.

If the payload is not properly formatted, the server will respond by sending back the payload.



{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"replace.task", "params":{"data":{"uuid":"{c7a5713c-df74-42a9-a46e-32fabf503957}", "name":"Replaced Task"}},"id":1}

Indented display

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "replace.task",
  "params": {
    "data": {
      "uuid": "{c7a5713c-df74-42a9-a46e-32fabf503957}",
      "name": "Replaced Task"
  "id": 1


Parameter Description
data JSON Object Litteral containing the data of the task to create and the uuid of the task to replace


With this method, you must specify a uuid in the data properties.

This will indicate to the method which task to replace.

The uuid will be conserved and a new one will not be generated.

All the other properties of the task will be replaced by the properties specified in the data parameter.

Refer to the construction described in the above methods to create the "data" JSON Object Litteral.

Level of detail

The "data" Object can be constructed with the same level of details as presented by the subtask level of the get.list.tasks method.


The "result" property in the JSON response will contain true if the instruction was executed correctly.

If the payload is not properly formatted, the server will respond by sending back the payload.

Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

Thanks for your feedback.