This device allows you to receive or send OSC message.


Name: User-friendly name
Input Enable: Enable or disable input
Input Port: 8000 is the default value (usually doesn’t have to be changed)
Output Enable: Enable or disable output
Output IP: Enter the ip address of the device’s Output. Your device and Modulo Player need to be in the same subnet
Output Port: 8000 is the default value (usually doesn’t have to be changed)
Trigger Enable: Enable or disable Trigger using protocol below
Feedback: On/Off using protocol below

Task action:

Send Message
Send Message + Int (message + Int value)
Send Message + float (message + float value)
Send Messgae + string (message + string value)
Send PlayList
Send TaskList
Start Record (name)
Stop Record

Task trigger:

-Message + int
-Message + float
-Message + string

Message (alphanumerical field)

Digimap trigger:

-Message + int
-Message + float
-Message + int Array
-Message + float Array

Message (alphanumerical field)

User interface:


Device information:

For more information go on this webpage.

Modulo Player Protocol:

You need to enable “trigger enable” to activate this protocol.
You can then use any OSC controler to communicate easily with Modulo Player.

Allows you to use all defined triggers by entering the following protocol:

  • /modulo/gocue/x/y
    Where x refers to the playlist index and y the cue index.
  • /modulo/launchtask/x
    Where x refers to the task index.
  • /modulo/faderfull/x
    Where x refers to the playlist index. Set the fader value at 100% in the time indicated on the remote control.
  • /modulo/faderzero/x
    Where x refers to the playlist index.Set the fader value at 0% in the time indicated on the remote control.
  • /modulo/fader/x v
    Where x refers to the playlist index and v the value of the playlist fader between 0.0 and 1.0.
  • /modulo/gocuenext/x
    Where x refers to the playlist index.
  • /modulo/gocueprev/x
    Where x refers to the playlist index.
  • /modulo/volume v
    Where v refers to the master volume value between 0 and 100.


if feedback is enable, an automatic OSC feedback is sended using the following syntax to send back information about a playlist (around 5 per second):

  • /modulo/fader/x followed by a float between 0 and 1:
    Returns the playlist fader value where x refers to the playlist index.
  • /modulo/volume followed by an int between 0 and 100:
    Returns the master volume.
  • /modulo/cue/index/x
    Followed by the index of the active cue on playlist number x.
  • /modulo/cue/name/x
    Followed by the name of the active cue on playlist number x.
  • /modulo/cue/time/x:
    Followed by the timecode (string value) of the active cue on playlist number x.
  • /modulo/online
    Send back an int between 0 and 1 as a lifeline.
  • /modulo/cue/playlistIndex/index
    Send when a cue is launched.
    Where playlistIndex is the playlist index and index the cue index followed by the cue name.
  • /modulo/task/index
    Send when a task is launched
    Where index is the task index followed by the task name.

Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

Thanks for your feedback.