The following methods are available on the Spydog :


{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"", "params":{"action":"startModuloPlayer"}, "id": 1}

Indented display

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "",
  "params": {
    "action": "startModuloPlayer"
  "id": 1


Use this command to launch an action on the spydog.

It is possible to launch the following actions:

Property Description
startModuloPlayer Start Modulo Player application
stopModuloPlayer Stop Modulo Player application
rebootComputer Reboot the server
powerOffComputer Power off the server
installDeltacastDrivers Launches the update procedure of the Deltacast drivers


The "result" property in the JSON response will contain a boolean : true if the instruction was executed correctly or false otherwise.


{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"", "id": 1}

Indented display

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "",
  "id": 1


Returns the following properties of target task.

Property Description
CPU Processor model
GpuBrand GPU Manufacturer
GpuDriver Version of the GPU driver installed
GpuName User friendly name and model of installed GPU
ModuloPlayer Version of the Modulo Player server application
OS Windows version operating on the server
processorCount Number of logical cores available on the processor
totalMemory Total memory (RAM) available (in GB)


{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"", "id": 1}

Indented display

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "",
  "id": 1


Returns the following properties of target task.

Property Description
clusterId Cluster ID of the server for the current project (General tab)
color Hex value of the color assigned to the server for the current project (General tab)
cpuTemperature Current CPU Temperature
cpuUse CPU usage, average of all logical cores (%)
detacastTemperature Temperature of the Deltacast cards (if multiple cards, they will be separated by a = character)
fps Displays the current FPS output by the server
fpsOk Displays true if the server’s FPS output is correct (green in server list) and false if not (orange/red in server list)
master Master/Slave status of the server. true if server is set to master, false otherwise
maxAutocalibOutputs Lists the number of available outputs for autocalibration as allowed by the current license
maxOutputs Maximum outputs available with the current license
memoryUse Memory usage (%)
motherboardTemperature Displays the temperature on the sensors of the motherboard
serverIp IP Address of the server
serverName Name of the server for the current project (General tab)
serverTime Date and time of the server clock
status Returns 0 if the server is offline (red in server list), 1 if the server is launching (orange) and 2 if server is online (green)
upTime Time since last boot

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