Add V-Nodes

Now the video projection study is done, we know we have 9 video projectors so we need 9 outputs, plus one Speakers screen, plus Monitoring Output.
We have V-Nodes with 4 outputs graphic cards, so here is the V-Nodes Outputs distribution:

Configure the V-Node

For each V-Node:

  • Assign its corresponding Render Surface
  • Set the Desktop Resolution to 4*1280×800 = 5120×800
  • If you physically have the V-Nodes and want to configure them, please check the Remote Settings section.
  • If you have a soundcard, we will assume it’s installed on VN01 and VN02 will be the audio spare player.

Add Audio channels to V-Node

Once the V-Node is well set including settings its soundcard, we have to declare its channels in the Project.

  • Go to Project Settings
  • Audio
  • Rename Channel 1 to ST-L and Channel 2 to ST-R
  • Add an Audio Group called Stereo
  • Select the V-Node and go to the Audio tab
  • Assign Output 1 to Stereo L and Output 2 to Stereo R

Now, each audio media that will plays on Channel 1 and 2 will be played by the V-Node.

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Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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