This effect implements a blur along two diagonals in the input image, similarly to Diagonal Blur which implements it along one diagonal. It duplicates the image twice and shifts all four images towards the opposing ends of both diagonals, whose angle can be modified.
The name is derived from the Hatching technique in graphic design.
: Sets the amount of shift between the two images. Values are meant to be close to 0 to keep the image perceptible. Higher values (>0.5) will give a very strong effect but the original images will be mostly unrecognizable.
Default : 0.05
: Change the angle of the diagonal used for the blur.
Default : 0.0
: Sets the quality of the blur. Choices are : Low, Mid, High or Best.
Default : HIGH
Name | Type | Description |
Image | Image | Image input on which to draw the effect |
Width | Float | Amount of shift to produce the blur |
Angle | Float | Angle of the diagonal along which the blur occurs |
Name | Type | Description |
Image | Image | Image output of the effect |
In this example :
: Animated with an LFO between 0 and 0.4Angle
: 6
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