Overview of the actions that can be done on the Grand Master panel.

ON AIR button

Toggle the ON AIR button to deactivate all rendering (2D preview, 3D scenes) in the Modulo Kinetic Designer to dedicate all ressources to show control for a more smooth operating experience.

Grand master fader

The slider controls the global opacity of the rendering of all Kinetic V-Nodes. You can click on the 0 button to smoothly fade to black and click on the 100 to smoothly fade to full opacity. You can control the duration (in seconds) of these 0 to 100 fade transition using the dedicated field underneath the fader.

Kinetic Designer Button

This button can be drag & dropped in various areas to perform a wide variety of “special” actions.

In a task as a subcommand or in the command layer of a timeline

Action Description
GrandMaster value Change the value of the grand master (between 0 et 100) and the duration of the transition
Online Send an online command to all V-Nodes
Offline Send an offline command to all V-Nodes
Send Show Control string Send an ASCII string to all connected show controls
Power Off Designer Power Off the Kinetic Designer Workstation
Reboot Designer Reboot the Kinetic Designer Workstation
Quit Designer Quit the Kinetic Designer application
Load Workspace Loads a specific workspace layout
Enable ON AIR Enables the ON AIR (see above)
Disable ON AIR Disables the ON AIR (see above)
Save Show Save the show
Save Show+ Save an incremental version of the show
Backup Show Create a backup of the show
Reset Offset Reset all Digimap offsets
Rescan Media Rescan all media (creates thumbnails for new media)
Rescan Media -force (slow) Rescan all media (creates thumbnails for new media)
Off all test patterns Turn off test patterns on every outputs of every V-Nodes
Off all control points Turn off warp control points on every outputs of every V-Nodes
Off all X-Map blinds Turn off the blind for every X-Map of every outputs of every V-Nodes
Off all solo X-Map Turn off the solo for every X-Map of every outputs of every V-Nodes
Set Graph On Turn a graph ON
Set Graph Off Turn a graph OFF
Set Camera VR Sets the VR Camera
Send int Send an int value to all show control applications connected. Select the corresponding ID.
Send float Send a float value to all show control applications connected. Select the corresponding ID.
Send double Send a double value to all show control applications connected. Select the corresponding ID.
Send vector 2d Send a vector 2d value to all show control applications connected. Select the corresponding ID.
Send vector 3d Send a vector 3d value to all show control applications connected. Select the corresponding ID.
Send vector 4d Send a vector 4d value to all show control applications connected. Select the corresponding ID.
Send color Send a color value to all show control applications connected. Select the corresponding ID.
Send string Send a string value to all show control applications connected. Select the corresponding ID.
Start record Starts the recording of a variable’s data flow. Recording must be given a name.
Stop record Stops the recording of a variable’s data flow. Recording is targeted with its name.
Start playback Starts the playback of a recording of a variable’s data flow. Recording is targeted with its name.
Stop playback Stops the playback of a recording of a variable’s data flow. Recording is targeted with its name.

In a trigger area of a task

You can trigger a task on a slave Kinetic Designer when it looses the connection to the master Kinetic Designer.

In a digimap patch

You can control the grand master in a digimap.

In a trigger area of a digimap

You can use the incoming values sent by a show control applications connected to the Modulo Kinetic Designer:

Action Description
Received int Set the ID.
Received float Set the ID.
Received double Set the ID.
Received vector 2d Set the ID and choose the components (x or y).
Received vector 3d Set the ID and choose the components (x or y or z).
Received vector 4d Set the ID and choose the components (x or y or z or w).
Received color Set the ID and choose the components (R,G,B or Alpha).
Received string Set the ID.

In a compute graph

When drag & dropped into a compute graph, this button can create nodes to either receive value from external show control applications, StreamDeck devices, or VR headsets.

Each node will have a id_startWith input pin (also available as a field in the Editor panel for the node) to filter the value you wish to receive.

Action Description
Receive integer Receive an integer value from an external show control application.
Receive float Receive a float value from an external show control application.
Receive double Receive a double value from an external show control application.
Receive vector 2d Receive a 2D vector value from an external show control application.
Receive vector 3d Receive a 3D vector value from an external show control application.
Receive vector 4d Receive a 4D vector value from an external show control application.
Receive color Receive a color value from an external show control application.
Receive string Receive a string from an external show control application.
Receive integer with token Receive an integer value from an external show control application.
Receive float with token Receive a float value from an external show control application.
Receive double with token Receive a double value from an external show control application.
Receive vector 2d with token Receive a 2D vector value from an external show control application.
Receive vector 3d with token Receive a 3D vector value from an external show control application.
Receive vector 4d with token Receive a 4D vector value from an external show control application.
Receive color with token Receive a color value from an external show control application.
Receive string with token Receive a string from an external show control application.
Receive StreamDeck key down Choose the x (column) and y(row) and the id_startWith (name of the StreamDeck in a multi StreamDeck Setup)
Receive StreamDeck key up Choose the x (column) and y(row) and the id_startWith (name of the StreamDeck in a multi StreamDeck Setup)
Receive Vr Headset Position Receive X, Y and Z positions for a VR Headset.
Receive Vr Headset Yaw, Picth, Roll Receive Yaw, Pitch and Roll values for a VR Headset.

Monitor connected applications

In this panel, icons will appear notifying the number of applications connected to your Kinetic Designer :

• Monitor Warp Remotes
• Monitor Live Mixers
• Monitor Kinetic Panels
• Monitor if there is a Slave Kinetic Designer connected to the Kinetic Master.
• Display any Show Control application connected to the Kinetic Designer (for example a Medialon Manager or a Crestron show control) if there are any.

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