This section contains a set of nodes to perform basic and complex mathematical operations.
Math nodes :
- Absolute : Output the absolute of a number
- Accumulator : Output a float that gradually increases or decreases over time
- Clamp : Constrain a float between two thresholds
- Modulo : Perform a modulo operation
- Operation : Perform basic mathematical operations (+, -, x, /)
- Bit Operator : Perform bitwise operations on integers
- Pow : Perform an exponentiation operation
- Input Edge : Outputs the highest and lowest numbers reached by a variating value
- Vector Normalization : Normalizes a vector
- Vector Operation : Perform basic operations (+, -, x, /) on vectors
- Vector Length : Outputs the length of a vector
- Vector Target : Computes the target vector between two vectors
- Lerp : Performs a Linear Interpolation between two values
- Rad / Deg Converter : Converts Radian to Degrees or vice versa
- Floor / Ceil / Round : Output an approximation of a value (three modes available)
- Exp / Log : Performs the exponent or logarithmic operations
- Min / Max : Compare two values and output either the lowest (Min Mode) or the highest (Max Mode)
- Square Root : Computes the square root of a value
- Sin / Cos / Tan : Performs the Sine, Cosin or Tangent operations or their inverse
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