
This effect produces a visual effect overlay on the input image similar to the effect VHS players used to display on cathod-ray tube (CRT) screens when set on pause or rewind/fast forward.


  • Animate Scan Effects : Toggles to automatically animate and display the scan effects.
    Default : ON
  • Noise Scan 1 : Sets the approximate Y position for the Linear Scan horizontal distortion. Values should be set according to height, 0 being approximately in the middle.
    Default : HEIGHT ÷ 2
  • Noise Scan 2 : Sets the approximate Y position for the Noise scan horizontal distortion. Values should be set according to height, 0 being approximately the top.
    Default : HEIGHT ÷ 2
  • Distortion Scan 3 : Sets the approximate Y position for the Vertical Distortion. As this distortion is automatically animated, this property can be best used to introduce jitter or noise into this animation.
    Default : 0.0
  • Width Linear Scan : Width of the scan-glitch Noise Scan 1
    Default : 0.5
  • Width Noise Scan : Width of the scan-glitch Noise Scan 2
    Default : 0.25
  • Distortion Amount : Sets the amount of horizontal distortion on the entire image. Higher values undulate the image.
    Default : 0.25
  • Grain Level : Sets an amount of grain in the effect. Note that a value of 0 still adds grain into the effect.
    Default : 0.0
  • Grain Effects : Toggles the display of added grain in the effect.
    Default : ON
  • Analog Distortion : Sets a horizontal glitch-like flicker on the entire image. Higher values (>5) make the effect more visible.
    Default : 1.0
  • Bleed Amount : Sets the amount of bleed colors that will be added to the colors of the image
    Default : 1.0
  • Bleed Distortion : Sets a level of distortion to the bleed phenomenon added in the image
    Default : 0.5
  • Grain Offset : Sets an offset for the ghost images created with noise.
    Default : 1.0
  • Bleed Color Left : Sets a bleed color for the left part of the image
    Default : 204 / 0 / 102 / 255)
  • Bleed Color Middle : Sets a bleed color for the central part of the image
    Default : 0 / 128 / 191 / 255
  • Bleed Color Right : Sets a bleed color for the right part of the image
    Default : 204 / 0 / 102 / 255)


Name Type Description
Image Image Image input on which to draw the effect
Animate Scan Effects Boolean Toggles the display of the scan effects.
Noise Scan 1 Float Approximate Y position for the Linear scan glitch
Noise Scan 2 Float Approximate Y position for the Noise scan glitch
Distortion Scan 3 Float Approximate Y position for the Vertical Distortion
Width Linear Scan Float Average width of Noise Scan 2
Width Noise Scan Float Average width of Noise Scan 1
Distortion Amount Float Amount of vertical distortion on the entire image
Grain Level Float Amount of grain in the effect
Grain Effects Boolean Toggles the display of added grain in the effect
Analog Distortion Float Sets a horizontal glitch-like flicker on the entire image
Bleed Amount Float Sets the amount of bleed colors that will be added to the colors of the image
Grain Offset Float Offset for the ghost images created with noise
Bleed Color Left Color Bleed color for the left part of the image
Bleed Color Middle Color Bleed color for the central part of the image
Bleed Color Right Color Bleed color for the right part of the image


Name Type Description
Image Image Image output of the effect


In this example :
  • Animate Scan Effects : ON
  • Noise Scan 1 : 250
  • Noise Scan 2 : 35
  • Distortion Scan 3 : 0.0
  • Width Linear Scan : 0.1
  • Width Noise Scan : 0.1
  • Distortion Amount : 0.225
  • Grain Level : 0.0
  • Grain Effects : ON
  • Analog Distortion : 1.0
  • Bleed Amount : 0.4
  • Bleed Distortion : 0.5
  • Grain Offset : 1.4
  • Bleed Color Left : 227 / 75 / 77 / 255
  • Bleed Color Middle : 164 / 238 / 161 / 255
  • Bleed Color Right : 204 / 45 / 45 / 255

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