
This node applies a Kalman Filter to up to three values on its inputs.

Kalman FIltering, also known as linear quadratic estimation (LQE) is an algorithm that produces estimates using a series of measurements over time effectively filtering noise.

Because this algorithm produces estimates it relies on iterations of prediction-measurement cycles.


  • Process noise : Affects the weight of predictions in the algorithm. Lower values (<0.1) will give smoother signals but less accurate predictions. Prefer values between 0 and 0.1.
    Default : 0.0
  • Measurement noise : Affects the weight of measures in the algorithm. Higher values (>10) will give smoother signals but less accurate values.
    Default : 5.0
  • Error cov. post : Affects uncertainty in the initialisation of the algorithm. If your starting position is accurate, prefer lower values. If not, prefer higher values.
    Default : 0.01
  • Delay : Useful when compensating for projector input lag. Leave at 0 otherwise. Unit : seconds
    Default : 0.0
  • Force Evaluate : When toggled ON, will evaluate a prediction even if the input does not change.
    Default : OFF
  • Interpolation : (Only visible when Force Evaluate is OFF) Adds an interpolation to the values based on the algorithm. Unit : milliseconds
    Default : 0

Predictions / Measures noise

Process noise and Measurement noise are complimentary properties. One should be rather low while the other is rather high :

  • If Process noise is low : we trust the predictions to be accurate, Measurement noise can be higher to reduce noise in our measures.
    In this case the output will be smoother but may have a higher latency (delay).
  • If Measurement noise is low : we trust our measures to be accurate, Process noise can be higher to reduce noise in the predictions.
    In this case the output will have a lower latency but may be noisier (jerk).


Name Type Description
X Float First value to filter
Y Float Second value to filter
Z Float Third value to filter


Name Type Description
X Float First value filtered
Y Float Second value filtered
Z Float Third value filtered


The filter is using default values on all its properties.

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