
This node implements an effect that detects edges inside images and transforms them into neon-like contours.


  • Blur amount : Gives a soft shadowy blur around the contours. Values should be between 0 and 1, values over 1 have no further effect.
    Default : 0.5
  • Intensity :Affects the intensity of the blur. Values should be between 0 and 1, values over 1 will have an increased effect, but may over-saturate.
    Default : 0.5
  • Edge Intensity : Affects the intensity of the effect applied on the edges in the image. Lower values will drag the image to black. Values should be between 0 and 0.1.
    Default : 0.1
  • Edge Threshold : Affects the detection of the edges in the image. Higher values detect less edges while very low values aggressively detect edges. Values should be between 0 and 1.
    Default : 0.0
  • Erode Intensity : Erosion applies a further blur overall, greatly increasing the glow effect. Higher intensity will increase the quantity of blur.
    Default : 0.1
  • Erode Radius : Erosion applies a further blur overall, greatly increasing the glow effect. Higher radii values will increase the impact of the blur.
    Default : 1.0


Name Type Description
Image Image Image input to use for the effect
Blur Amount Float Amount of edge blur
Intensity Float Intensity of edge blur
Edge Intensity Float Intensity of effect applied on the edges
Edge Threshold Float Sensitivity of edge detection
Erode intensity Float Amount of overall blur
Erode Radius Float Size of overall blur


Name Type Description
Image Image Image output of the effect


In this example :
  • Blur Amount : Animated with an LFO between 0 and 1
  • Intensity : Animated with an LFO between 0 and 1
  • Edge Intensity : 0.136
  • Edge Threshold : 0.0
  • Erode Intensity : Animated with an LFO between 0 and 1
  • Erode Radius : 2.0

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