In this section of the tutorial we will focus on the 3D tools to navigate.
First we will give some light and color to the 3D elements.

  • Right click in the 3D Viewer and add a Light
  • Use the Move tool (pressing M on your keyboard) and move up the light

For now all the 3D elements are grey so we will change the color of the walls by creating and applying a material to it.

  • Go to the Material tab and double click or click on + to add a material
  • Rename it
  • Go back to the Hierarchy tab, click on the mesh SUPPORT_WALLS and change its Material to the one you created

Move the projector to its place

First, click on the 3D Viewer window en press B on your keyboard to use the Selection tool.

  • Use the Move tool (shortcut M) to move it up to the edge of the cylinder, between the internal radius and the external radius
  • You can double click on the projector to zoom into it, or you could right click in the 3D scenes then click on Focus
  • Press Q to use the Rotation tool and change the Roll value to 90 degrees to rotate the projector
  • Enter the final value by hand on the Editor tab

  • Adjust the horizontal shift until you reach the zone you want to project on (we try to not go over 18% of horizontal shift as the maximum is 24%)
  • Use the Orbit tool (shortcut O) to turn around or by pressing the middle wheel of your mouse
  • Use the Select tool and select the projector, you can play with the 4 directional arrows to adjust the projector orientation, angulation etc.

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