
This node merges two arrays into one single array, just like the Merge node.

This node has many additional options and is intended for merging two-dimensional tracking data from sensors.

It only considers X and Y Properties in the input arrays to compute the merge and will output an array with only the following properties : ID, X, Y, Lifetime.

Any other properties in the input arrays will be dropped by this node.


  • Max keep time : Sets how long (in milliseconds) the blob should be kept in the output once it is not detected anymore.
    Default : 500
  • Max distance : Set the maximum distance (in pixels) a blob is allowed to move from one frame to the next and still be considered the same blob.
    Default : 100
  • Merge distance : Set the distance between two blobs under which they will be considered the same blob. Units may differ depending on what type of sensor you are using and the way it outputs its data in the graph.
    Default : 4
  • Tracking history : Set the number of frames to keep in buffer to compute predictions & measure corrections. Setting this too high will consume more ressource with little gain on accuracy.
    Default : 5
  • Weight of prediction : Set the importance of the predictions in the algorithm. Values operate between 0.01 and 10. Higher values will reduce noise but induce latency on the tracking.
    Default : 0.5
  • Noise level : Sets the threshold for the noise detected by the sensor. Setting this too high will introduce latency in the tracking.
    Default : 2.0


Name Type Description
Array1 Array First array to merge
Array2 Array Second array to merge


Name Type Description
Array Array Resulting array from the merge of the two input arrays

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