
This node applies IN / OUT transition to arrays.

This can be useful when a visual effect depends on tracked user input. Without transitions, the visual effect will suddenly appear/disappear as users are detected/undetected which can have a negative impact on the overall visual result.

Adding transitions adds smoothness to the appearance and disappearance of the visual effects.


For this node, transitions must be added using the button in the bottom left of the Editor panel.

Transitions can be deleted using the icon.

Once a transition is added, the following settings are made available for each transition in the Transition Settings section of the Editor panel :

Transition settings

If an array is connected to the input of your Transition node, you can select properties to target for the transition to apply on by using the button. You can also use this button to add a custom property in the array to apply a transition on. This is useful to add new properties in your array on which to apply the transition, which comes in handy when your array will be used to draw effects in a render graph (see example below).

As soon as an item appears in the array an in transition will be applied to the targeted properties, and as soon as the item is dropped from the array an out transition will be appllied to the targeted properties.

In settings

  • Delay : Sets a delay before the transition begins
    Default : 00:00:00:00
  • Start value : Set the value for the start of the in transition
    Default : 0.0
  • Sustain value : Set the target value to reach when the in transition ends
    Default : 0.0
  • Duration : Set the duration for the in transition.
    Default : 00:00:01:00
  • Curve : Choose the curve type for interpolation.
    Default : Linear
  • Mode : Choose how the Start Value and Sustain Value apply to the array data.
    Default : Replace

Out settings

  • Delay : Set a delay before the transition whenever a user is not detected anymore
    Default : 00:00:00:00
  • End : Set the value for the end of the out transition
    Default : 0.0
  • Duration : Set the duration for the out transition.
    Default : 00:00:01:00
  • Curve : Choose the curve type for interpolation.
    Default : Linear
  • Mode : Choose the mode, e.g. how the transition applies on the array data.
    Default : Replace

To help understand these properties, here is a graphical representation of how they apply :

Mode :

  • Replace : the value in the Editor replaces the value in the array
  • Add : the value in the Editor is added to the value in the array
  • Multiply : the value in the Editor is multiplied by the value in the array


Name Type Description
Array String The array on which to apply transition(s)


Name Type Description
Array String The array with the transition(s) applied


In this example :
A custom property named Radius has been created in the Transition node for the transition to apply to with the following parameters.
In Settings :

  • Start Value : 0
  • Sustain Value : 200
  • Duration : 00:00:01:00

Out Settings :
  • End : 0
  • Duration : 00:00:01:00
    All other properties were left to default values

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