Choose this component to create a new button in your user interface.
Drag & drop this component in the graphical user interface or in the hierarchy tree.


Name Description
Width width of the component
Height height of the component
X left position of the component
Y top position of the component
Color background color of the trackpad. Directly edit the value or use the color picker
radius radius of the corner’s border of the component
BGalpha opacity of the background
Antialiasing enable antialiasing of the component
Border width border width of the trackpad
Border color background color of the trackpad. Directly edit the value or use the color picker
Line color color of the cursor indicator in the trackpad. Directly edit the value or use the color picker
Line style style of the cursor indicator in the trackpad: Full, small or hide
Min X Minimum horizontal value of the trackpad
Max X Maximum horizontal value of the trackpad
Min Y Minimum vertical value of the trackpad
Max Y Maximum vertical value of the trackpad
Rotation rotation of the component
Opacity opacity of the component. Affect child components
user data custom field you can use to read/save user data
lock position if checked prevent accidental move of the component


Event name Description
onMoveX this event is triggered when the user move on the touchpad on the horizontal axis
onMoveY this event is triggered when the user move on the touchpad on the vertical axis


setX bind a parameter to set the left position of this component
setY bind a parameter to set the top position of this component
setWidth bind a parameter to set the width of this component
setHeight bind a parameter to set the height of this component
setColor bind a parameter to set the color of this component
setOpacity bind a parameter to set the opacity of this component
setRotation bind a parameter to set the rotation of this component

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Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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