We will setup the Live Mixer to play PiP content on the Background, on the logo and on the semicircle.
We will not use the Pi letter as it is too thin to properly display PiP content.

In the Mixer panel, create 3 destinations and rename them accordingly.

Create a dedicated timeline for the Mixer and place all three destinations on it.

For the PiP to display only on the semicircle and only on the logo, the destinations need to mimic the size and coordinates of the X-Maps currently mapped on those shapes.

Set the following parameters on the destinations:

Destination Size Coordinates
Background 1920×1080 (0,0)
Semicircle 862×432 (2908,69)
Logo 920×445 (2883,557)

To ensure the timeline never locates out of these layers, add a command layer with a pause and a loop to command.

Finally, create a few Mix Engines on each destination.


Logo shape

Semicircle shape

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