Connecting projectors

Connect your devices to the proper output connectors of the graphics card. The order is from top to bottom.


  1. Video projector 1 for the cyclo left side
  2. Video projector 2 for the cyclo right side
  3. Reminder projectors (can be replaced by one monitor for the exercise)
  4. Confidence monitor

EDID & Eyefinity

We will now force EDIDs and create an extended desktop with 4 screens.

In the top menu, go to V-Node > Remote Settings.

Select your V-Node in the list on the left.

Go to the GPU tab and the EDID subtab.

Select the first 4 outputs and choose the EDID MOD_1920×1080p60.bin from the list and click on Force EDID.

The outputs of the graphics card may flash several times but a message will indicate when the operation is successful.

In the GPU tab open the Eyefinity subtab.

Select the first 4 outputs and click on Create Eyefinity.

Set an arrangement of 4 horizontal screens (Cols : 4 — Rows : 1).

The outputs of the graphics card may flash several times but a message will indicate when the operation is successful.

You may refer to the GPU manual page for more information on forcing EDIDs and creating Eyefinity.

Start V-Node application

In the Control tab click on Start V-Node.

The server indicator light should turn from red to orange. This means it is ready.

Note the IP address of the V-Node for the next step.

Setup in Kinetic Designer

In the V-Nodes panel create a V-Node and name/color it.

Set its IP Address to the address from the previous step.

Select the V-Node and in the Editor panel, Settings tab set the resolution to 7680×1080.

The V-Node is setup, however it needs to be affected a Render Surface to display content.

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