
Preview of the Modulo Nano server

Modulo Bridge enables communication with USB devices that lack Ethernet support.

For more information, you can read the product sheet.

This device works in conjunction with some scanners and cameras.

For more information on the setups you can read the application notes :


Property Default Description
Name ModuloBridge User-friendly name.
Enable ON Activate to enable the device.
Run at startup ON Activate to enable the device at Kinetic startup.
IP [empty] Enter the IP address of your device. Your device and Kinetic Designer should be on the same subnet.
MAC [empty] MAC address of the network interface on remote device (Only required to use Wake On Lan function)

Task action

Action Description
Enable Enable the device
Disable Disable the device
Reboot Server Reboot the remote device
Power Off Power Off the device
Wake Up On Lan Power On the remote device through its network interface (Requires MAC address to be setup in the device properties)

Task trigger

This device has no actions that can trigger a Task.

Digimap trigger



This device has no actions that can be used in a Graph.

User interface

This device has no actions that can be launched from the UI designer.

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