Click on or double click add a dmx output
Click on icon delete a dmx output

Settings tab

Select the DMX output you want to edit.

Name You can change the name of the selected DMX output
Type choose between ArtNet and sACN protocol
Ip enter an Ip adress if you want to unicast the ArtNet output, otherwise it will be broadcasted
Subnet choose the DMX subnet
Universe choose the DMX universe
Record/Merge from Choose which DMX Input you want to record
Merge mode Enable/Disable Merge mode
DimmerList Choose which DMX channels you want to dim*
Master Set the Dimmer List master opacity

Dimmer List Editor

Click one time to set a 8bit dimmer
Click two time to set a16bit dimmer
All Select all DMX channels
None Unselect all DMX channels
Invert Invert the selection

SubMaster tab

Click on or double click add a SubMaster group
Click on icon delete a SubMaster group
Name You can change the SubMaster’s name
DimmerList Choose which DMX channels you want to control*
Master Set the SubMaster opacity

Dimmer List Editor

Click one time to set a 8bit dimmer
Click two time to set a16bit dimmer
All Select all DMX channels
None Unselect all DMX channels
Invert Invert the selection

You can drag & drop a Submaster in:
A Timeline layer

A Subtask

Enable submaster Enable the chosen submaster
Disable submaster Disable the chosen DMX submaster
set master Set Master value between 0 and 100%


Click on or double click add a Snapshot
Click on icon delete a Snapshot
Click on icon record the selected DMX input
Click on icon play the recorded snapshot
Range enter the desired DMX channel range*

Range Editor

Click to select a channel
All Select all DMX channels
None Unselect all DMX channels
Invert Invert the selection

You can drag & drop a Snapshot in a subtask:

Save snapshot Save the chosen snapshot
Play snapshot Play the chosen snapshot
Play snapshot advanced Play the chosen snapshot with duration time

Spy tab

You can visualize the sent dmx values.

You can drag& drop a DMX Output in:

A subtask or a command layer in a timeline

Enable Universe Enable the chosen DMX Output
Disable Universe Disable the chosen DMX Output
set Value 8bits Set a 8bits DMX value
set Value 16bits Set a 16bits DMX value
set Value 24bits Set a 24bits DMX value
set Value 32bits Set a 32bits DMX value
set Value 64bits Set a 64bits DMX value
set Master Set Master value between 0 and 100%
cancel all Fade cancel all the current fades
Start Record Start a DMX record
Stop Record Stop a DMX record
Start Playback Start a DMX Playback
Stop Playback Stop a DMX Playback

A Graph

set value on a channel Control a DMX channel value
set value on a range Control a DMX channel range value
setmaster Control DMX output master value

Set value on a channel

Start Channel Choose the DMX channel
Value Set the DMX channel value
Bits Choose 8bits, 16bits… channel mode

Set value on a range

Value Set the DMX channel range value
Dimmer List Edit the Dimmer List

Click one time to set a 8bit dimmer
Click two time to set a16bit dimmer
All Select all DMX channels
None Unselect all DMX channels
Invert Invert the selection

Set master

Value Set the DMX output master value

A timeline layer

Update channel Allows you to update a specific DMX channel
Playback/Record Allows you to Playback/Record* a DMX universe

Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

Thanks for your feedback.