Designer functions are powerful tools that can be called from a script running in the Javascript node.
They offer control over many different aspects of the current show, the Kinetic Designer software, and over files on the hard drive.
- Functions should be called with the prefix
in the javascript - When passing
arguments, take care to use double quotes"
around the string. i.e. ("String argument"
) - When passing
arguments usetrue
- Take care that all arguments are filled for a function when calling it or the function call will be ignored by the script.
When certain arguments can be omitted from function calls, the manual page will explicitly describe all possible syntaxes.
launchTask() | Launch a task |
setEnableTask() | Toggle a task enabled/disabled |
setEnableTriggerTask() | Toggle the trigger of a task on/off |
launchTaskFolder() | Launch a folder of tasks |
launchRandomTaskFolder() | Launch a random task in a folder of task |
setTimelineOn() | Toggle a timeline on/off |
setTimelinePlay() | Send Play command to a timeline |
setTimelineLocate() | Send Pause command to a timeline and/or locate at a timecode in the timeline |
setTimelineGrandMaster() | Change the value of a timeline’s GrandMaster fader |
setTimelineAudioMaster() | Change the value of a timeline’s Master Audio fader |
getTimelineOn() | Receive on/off status from a timeline |
getTimelinePlay() | Receive play status from a timeline |
getTimelineTimecode() | Receive the current timecode value of a timeline |
getTimelineGrandMaster() | Receive the current value of a timeline’s GrandMaster fader |
getTimelineAudioMaster() | Receive the current value of a timeline’s Master Audio fader |
setTimelineLockToTc() | Lock a timeline to a timecode |
getTimelineLockToTc() | Retrieve lock status of a timeline to a timecode |
getTimelineOnByIndex() | Receive on/off status from a timeline by specifying its index in the Timeline List |
getTimelinePlayByIndex() | Receive play status from a timeline by specifying its index in the Timeline List |
getTimelineTimecodeByIndex() | Receive the current timecode value of a timeline by specifying its index in the Timeline List |
getTimelineGrandMasterByIndex() | Receive the current value of a timeline’s GrandMaster fader by specifying its index in the Timeline List |
getTimelineAudioMasterByIndex() | Receive the current value of a timeline’s Master Audio fader by specifying its index in the Timeline List |
getTimelineLockToTcByIndex() | Retrieve lock status of a timeline to a timecode by specifying its index in the Timeline List |
getTimelinesCount() | Receive the number of timelines in the project |
setEnableDevice() | Toggle a device on/off |
setOnGraph() | Toggle a graph on/off |
getVariableValue() | Get the current value of a variable |
setVariableValue() | Set a value to a variable |
setVariableAddValue() | Add a specified value to a variable |
setVariableAddOne() | Increment a variable by one. Works for types int , float and double |
setVariableSubOne() | Decrement a variable by one. Works for types int , float and double |
3D Scenes
launchAnimationScene3D() | Launch an animation in a 3D scene |
stopAnimationScene3D() | Stop an animation in a 3D scene |
setInstanceMaterialScene3D() | Change the material of an object (instance) in a 3D scene |
enableNodeScene3D() | Toggle a node in a 3D scene on/off |
deleteAllRunningInstances() | Deletes all instances that were created using the Instantiate 3D node in a 3D Scene |
deleteRunningInstance() | Deletes a target instance created using the Instantiate 3D node in a 3D Scene |
deleteAnimation3D() | Deletes a target animation track in a 3D Scene |
deleteMaterial3D() | Deletes a target material in a 3D Scene |
deleteSkeleton3D() | Deletes a target skeleton in a 3D Scene |
deleteNode3D() | Deletes a target node in a 3D Scene |
deleteObjectScene3DContainsString() | Deletes a target object in a 3D Scene. Target using a string of characters. |
instantiateNodeWithAnim3D() | Instantiates a node as a copy of another in a 3D Scene |
3D Materials
setMaterialColorTexturePlayMovie() | Play a media on a material’s texture in a 3D scene |
setMaterialColorTextureStopMovie() | Stop a media on a material’s texture in a 3D scene |
setMaterialColorTextureSegmentMovie() | Play a segment of a media on a material’s texture in a 3D scene |
setMaterialColorTextureEnable() | Enable a texture in a material |
setMaterialColorTextureDisable() | Disable a texture in a material |
setMediaToTexture3D() | Set a media as a texture on a material |
setMediaTagToTexture3D() | Set a media as a texture on a material using a tag |
File & Media Management
deleteFile() | Delete a file |
copyFile() | Copy a file |
renameFile() | Rename a file |
renameTimestamped() | Rename a file with a timestamped extension |
resizeImageToMaxWidth() | Resize an image to a maximum width |
resizeImageToMaxHeight() | Resize and image to a maximum height |
updateMediaPath() | Update a target media using a file path |
updateMediaPathByTag() | Update a target media using a file path. Target media with a tag |
addToLog() | Add a message to Kinetic’s Console panel |
clearLog() | Clear Kinetic’s Console panel |
addLogToClipboard() | Copy Kinetic’s Console panel log to the clipboard |
msToHHMMSSFF() | Convert milliseconds into a timecode formatted string |
Kinetic Designer
refreshUiTree() | Refreshes the 3D scenes panel |
saveShow() | Save current Show |
saveShowIncremental() | Save current Show and increment filename. Equivalent to the Save+ option of the File top menu |
saveShowAs() | Save current Show with a specific filename |
doBackup() | Perform an automatic backup of the show in the /backup/ folder |
enableOnAir() | Activate ON AIR on the Designer |
disableOnAir() | Disable ON AIR on the Designer |
onlineAllVnode() | Turn all VNodes online |
offlineAllVnode() | Turn all VNodes offline |
haltDesigner() | Power off the Designer |
rebootDesigner() | Reboot the Designer |
quitDesigner() | Quit the Designer application |
rescanMedia() | Scan media for newer versions on hard drive and regenerate cache |
rescanMediaForce() | Regenerate cache for all media |
offAllTestPatterns() | Turn off all test patterns |
offAllControlPoints() | Turn off all control points |
offAllBlindOutput() | Unblind all outputs |
offAllSoloXmap() | Remove all Solo modes from XMaps |
Special Functions
node.sendTriggerEvent() | Send a TriggerEvent on an output pin of the Javascript node |
node.setValue() | Set the value of an output pin on a Javascript node |
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Don’t hesitate to contact us here.