To illustrate how to use inputs and outputs we’ll write a javascript code that solves quadratic equations.

More information on quadratic equations can be found here.

In the Javascript node, configure the Inputs and Outputs tab in the Editor panel:


To use these inputs and outputs in our code, call them using the exact same name and spelling used in those two tabs.

In the Main section of the script write the following code:

delta = b*b - 4*a*c
if (delta >= 0) {
   x1 = (-b + Math.sqrt(delta)) / 2*a
   x2 = (-b - Math.sqrt(delta)) / 2*a
else {
   var imPart = Math.sqrt(-delta) / 2*a
   var rePart = -b / 2*a
   x1 = rePart + " + " + imPart + "i"
   x2 = rePart + " - " + imPart + "i"


In this example the equation y = x² - 3x -10 has two different solutions because Δ>0. The solutions are x1 = 5 and x2 = -2

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